mysql2 - activerecord version compatibility list
In the course of doing upgrades for an older project I’ve discovered that not every activerecord version is compatible with every mysql2 version. The adapters use ~> to lock ... (147)
In the course of doing upgrades for an older project I’ve discovered that not every activerecord version is compatible with every mysql2 version. The adapters use ~> to lock ... (147)
The misinformation and propaganda part.First, Twitter should implement real name verification. Not arcane checkmarks but a standardized process where a user can verify their ide... (155)
Test-driven development and it’s pros and cons have been extensively written about.Most common pros are often said to be having to think or plan your code out before writing, th... (232)
A Spotify account has a list of devices. A device is selected as one that will actually make sound.When you log in to the same account on more than one device the others become ... (103)
Google has instructions on how to migrate from analytics.js to gtag.js with the steps being straight-forward.While doing this, two things helped me:1. Set up a GAID constantSo, ... (222)
When diagnosing a performance issue look for the end-points that don’t appear in the logs as frequently as they should.If the entire application slows down and all requests are ... (49)
At what point are you just renting the device? (478)
They don't seem to be worth it (185)
Very useful sort in scenarios where context is tied to a date (437)
Clayton Christensen’s recent passing made me revisit The Innovator’s Dilemma. The overarching lesson is true today as it was 20+ years ago.I was reminded of a lesson that I note... (397)
Cruise announced Origin, their shared autonomous car product/concept. It’s absolutely the type of vehicle I imagine would be part of the daily commute of nearly everyone, eventu... (623)
New York is apparently proposing the creation of “public Venmo” in order to help the “unbanked”.This seems so misguided to me. It just attempts to fix a symptom.Since they don’t... (296)
Once a person earns a specific amount of money they keep earning not because they need it, but because it becomes a scoreboard. It tells them how much better they are than other... (242)
Uber left the region about a year and a half ago it definitely left a void. Uber was great for for the market and the customers.Uber, however, was good for Grab as well. Here’re... (396)
A running list of examples of design patterns listed in Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.Periodically updated.CreationalCreate objects, rather than... (600)
Events in Google Analytics (or Mixpanel, etc) are a very useful way of tracking very specific usage within your application.When triggering them, however, it’s imperative that t... (296)
Carrierwave Backgrounder is a gem that makes it easier to process assets in background. Resizing and optimization can be done on Sidekiq rather than in the main thread. Very use... (251)
The early daysIn the beginning there was the all-powerful onclick:<button onclick="javascript: increment()">Increment</button><div id="count">0</div><... (835)
“Ship early and ship often”. It is a mantra. Ship early, measure the effect, adjust, ship again. Rinse and repeat.The most often mentioned benefit is that by shipping early and ... (351)
Features come and go frequently during the lifetime of a product. Except that they often don’t actually go but just stop being used.I still (mostly) prefer The Majestic Monolith... (697)
When starting new substantial functionality one of the first questions that pops up is: “What should we do first?”That question is deceptively simple but you’ll get different an... (541)
Licence plate recognition is quite solid. It’s accurate, fast and cheap. It should be used more often.Here are some other ideas:WorkshopsThe most obvious of use cases: immediate... (268)
The region’s internet penetration and online banking is quite high but the processes around ecommerce are lacking. Here are some things I think need to be improved.Delivery has ... (786)
Had a scenario for the Supplybunny API where an endpoint needed to return a combination of live and cached data.The cached part was already in use in a few places. The new endpo... (132)
Inspected fields in Basecamp and came across this:I must say, I feel your pain. (32)