Ognjen Regoje
But you can call me Oggy
I make things that run on the web (mostly).
More ABOUT me
and my PROJECTS.
An article that I was not particularly interested used the phrase “falling off a cliff”. Even though I wasn’t particularly interested in the content, I did open it because I wan...
Elastic changed the licence for ElasticSearch disallowing providing it as a service. A lot of people were upset. My reflex was to join in the outrage but I wanted to better understand the motivation behind this decision. My reflex was to join in the outrage but I wanted to better understand the motivation behind this decision. I also wanted to consider the different arguments against it. I bookmarked the HackerNews threads and came back to them only recently. I tried to strip away the emotion and noise. Following is a summary of the different arguments that helped me form a more nuanced understanding of the situation.
A couple of tries at generating more interesting image previews using imagemagick with the mini_magick gem.
A side project in Electron and React for easier editing of front matter in many markdown files
One of the first challenges a first time-founder encounters is having to do data analysis.In the course of building Supplybunny we tried to make decisions based on data as much ...
This post is mostly for me to see what’s happened to the blog last year. I planned on taking it much more seriously. I did but only for a while.QuantityPublished 32 items. wc -w...
:after and specifically classes can be populated with user-specific content using CSS so that cached elements don't have to be duplicated for minor variations.
If you are making use of a serviceworker to cache JS or CSS or you’re rendering some JS server-side you have to have the full path to the file.If, at the same time, you’re using...
In Ooradee, I wanted to have the ability to see updates I made in another window.The correct way to do this is to implement something like ActionCable. I didn’t want to do this ...
I wanted to have the ability to use short links to external resources. I also wanted to be able to change the targets of the links.I suppose that it would have been possible wit...
There's a more complete version of this post. I use markdown to take notes. Previously, I wanted make a link to that folder and publish only some of those notes using Jek...
There's a more complete version of this post. I use markdown to take notes. I wanted to publish a part of those notes using Jekyll.The obvious way to do this is to just c...
It's a video, it might take a second to load.
This improves readability especially for scopes that are very feature specific
Updated postI strongly suggest you follow the new way instead: Generating PDF from Jekyll using pandoc An improved way of generating ...
I wanted to be able to get a list of categories from a group of posts. That’s easy enough to do using the map liquid filter:{{posts | map: 'categories'}}The result is an array o...
I wanted to generate an index of metadata from posts in Jekyll. The field that I wanted to index wasn’t compulsory, it was an additional one that I sometimes set, and sometimes ...
A nifty feature in Chrome DevTools I recently discovered is the ability to take a screenshot of a HTML node.For me it’s quite useful for creating Canva-like graphics without hav...
I make use of the rails_amp gem in the affiliate site. It generates AMP from normal views.One of it’s features is automatically converting the image_tag into the AMP compatible ...
For the sake of being DRY we've made single-page applications and progressive web apps too DRY. In order to offer a better user experience we need to stop considering the client-side and server side store and routes as logically related.
Lots of startups put logos of reputable publications that have written about them. Almost none actually link to the coverage.Similarly, lots of them put logos of companies that ...
The Tinder interface is great for making a quick judgement for a low impact decision. A while back I built several prototypes that use that interface and realized that it works ...
One of my pet peeves are useless file names. If software generates a file then it will eventually need to be found. File names that are just strings of numbers that make sense o...
For reading online content I prefer to get use either Pocket or an RSS reader. I prefer email to be separated from “media”.Newsletters are getting more popular now. There are so...
Case study on improving performance for a client Diagnosed and resolved performance issues and suggested improvements to facilitate ...