Ognjen Regoje bio photo

Ognjen Regoje
But you can call me Oggy

I make things that run on the web (mostly).
More ABOUT me and my PROJECTS.

me@ognjen.io LinkedIn

Markdown front matter snippet for VSCode

#jekyll #small #vscode


"frontmatter": {
  "scope": "markdown",
  "prefix": "frontmatter",
  "body": [
    "title: ${TM_FILENAME/(.*)\\..+$/$1/}",
    "desc: '${1}'",
    "created_at: ${CURRENT_SECONDS_UNIX}000",
    "updated_at: ${CURRENT_SECONDS_UNIX}000",

With bells and whistles

"blog-frontmatter": {
  "scope": "markdown",
  "prefix": "bf",
  "body": [
    "created_at: ${CURRENT_SECONDS_UNIX}000",
    "updated_at: ${CURRENT_SECONDS_UNIX}000",
    "title: ${1}",
    "desc: '${2}'",
    "layout: post",
    "publish_on: false",
    "categories: ",
    " - ${3:null}",
    "  feature: ${4:null}",
    "  - null",
    "  - link: null",
    "    image: null",
    "    title: null",
    "    description: null",
    "    slug: null",
    "objective:  ${5}status quo|summary|trends and predict|original insight|solution|story",
    "motivation: ${6}off your chest|reason through|persuade|evangelize|show off",
    "hooks:      ${7}context|motivation|usefulness|newness|relevance|good writing|trustworthy",
    "stages:     ${8}intro|outline|first draft|second draft",
    "outline:    ${9}hooks|experience|research|experiments|brainstorming|mental models|more convincing|more interesting",
    "  - null",
    "  - null",
    "new:        ${10:0}/10,",
    "correct:    ${11:0}/10,",
    "important:  ${12:0}/10,",
    "engagement: ",
    "  - platform: ",
    "    votes: ",
    "    comments: ",
    "    views: ",
    "links: ",
    "  - null",

It should be placed in .vscode/notes.code-snippets as one of the keys.