I'd pay for this: Netflix for PC games.
Monthly fee. Access to full Steam library (for instance). Limited number of hours per tier of release (10h of new releases, 20h of month old releases, unlimited for indie and ol... (82)
Monthly fee. Access to full Steam library (for instance). Limited number of hours per tier of release (10h of new releases, 20h of month old releases, unlimited for indie and ol... (82)
I forget where or how I got this idea but I think an intersting interview question might be “What kind of bonus do you prefer? Fixed or as rewards for specific things you do?”I’... (584)
A pretty neat thing I realized while building the search for Supplybunny is that you can use the results from elastic search to generate the cache keys that rails generates.The ... (456)
A while ago I needed to improve the canonical links for some of our pages, specifically because we added more search parameters etc. so I made use of routes file to create some ... (445)
It sounds so obvious when spelled out but you can use multiple timestamps in Rails models that each individually can serve as cache keys for different views. For example say you... (641)
A great way to deploy a Jekyll site using just rsync. First, build (jekyll b) the site locally and then rsync the _site folder:rsync -av -e 'ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_passwordless_rsa' -... (171)
A while back Supplybunny.com reached a point where we had enough products to justify a more thorough SEO review. The main objective of this was to increase traffic acquisition w... (733)
I’ve noticed two examples of content marketing done right. I suppose I didn’t notice content marketing gone wrong simply because if it’s done incorrectly it wont actually be not... (426)
To log in to a server that is not exposed to the internet we can log in to one that is on the same network but is exposed to the internet and then ssh into the private one. We’d... (173)
Split config accepts a host string directly as well as an instance of Redis. Therefore, we can use Redis to connect split to a password protected redis server. # config/initali... (74)
In order to retry an inbound message that timed out, take a look at thePostmarkapp API documentation here.First, we need to get the server API token that can be found on the cre... (101)
In order to upload a file in a cucumber test, that is to use a file select input, define the following in your user_steps.rb: Then(/^I fill in number field "(.*?)" with "(.*?)"... (75)
In order to upload a file in a cucumber test, that is to use a file select input, define the following in your user_steps.rb: And(/^I attach "(.*?)" to "(.*?)"$/) do |field, fi... (67)
In order to consistently display dates in a Rails application the strftime format can be set globally.#config/initializers/time_formats.rbDate::DATE_FORMATS[:default] = "%d/%m/%... (59)
To count the number of elements that is in a jQuery nested attributes container we can extend the plugin to have the following method (coffeescript): itemCount: -> @$item... (86)
To disable ctrl+w from closing the Visual Studio Code add the following to the keyboard shortcuts file: { "key": "ctrl+w", "when": "!editorIsOpen" }The keyboard shortcuts file ... (55)
Occasionally you’d need to have a user who’s not registered preform an action and only enter their email address the result of which creates an account. For example when you wan... (236)
Supplybunny.com, the HORECA marketplace for food supplies and ingredients that I cofounded and built the tech just closed US$300K (~RM1.2 million) in seed funding from Gobi Part... (44)
Update two years later: In the two years since this was made (and this post written)there have been no issues related to the login. Both the database and the LDAP logins stillwo... (1944)
Following is the quickest way to add swap space to Ubuntu 14.04 installation. I amwriting the post because I keep having to look this up and given the convenience andprice of Di... (164)